In a previous article, we discussed a Recall notice system, released in August 2011 by GS1, called Recallnet.
It is a system that manufacturers, retailers, distributors and importers can join to spread information about product recalls. It includes a phone application and on line portal that allow recall information to be spread more widely, as well as providing a brilliant link for recall co-ordination. It is a simple and effective system.
There is a comparatively small joining fee of $120 and then a charge to recover the costs for using the system. It is a relatively inexpensive system to support a business’s recall program.
It already has quite a few members.
Four of the largest supermarket groups have now asked all their suppliers to join the system. This was done in an open letter to all their suppliers, which include the following; “We are pleased to announce our support of GS1 Recallnet, our industry’s tool for the effective management of recall and withdrawal notifications. We are now encouraging all of our partners to work with us by registering to use the portal. When you issue recalls and withdrawals today, it’s hard to know whether the right information is delivered to the right people at the right time; which is why we’re proud to be joining this industry-wide effort to improve and standardise recall and withdrawal notifications.”
Information about GS1 Recallnet can be found here.