G’day mate and how’s it going? Every country has it’s own slang and even across a country there is different slang in different areas. Experts in language often use this to determine where a person actually comes from. Australia has it’s own slang as well and it is always evolving. What was commonly used years

We all know about the Census which was held last year and the electronic issues associated with it. Even with the problems it had, the end result met the standard required and the collated summary was recently released. At the same time as the National Census, the 2015-16 Agricultural Census was also held. This required

New Bananas and no bananas

There is a type of fungal disease called Panama TP4 which gets into the soil in banana plantations and eventually chokes off the plant’s ability to produce bananas. Once it is in the soil, it is nearly impossible to remove and that land can never again be used to produce bananas. The fungus does not

We are often being told that obesity is on the increase in our country  to the point that many are now known as morbidly obese. We are also told that the rate of diabetes in our population is also increasing and it is known that the two are very closely linked. So are we eating