Even though the CSIRO’s Fruit, Vegetables and Diet Score Report shows that Aussies are not eating enough fruit (and vegetables), we sure do love chocolate. A recent Roy Morgan Research survey shows that over 68 percent of us are eating chocolate of some type in an average four week period. This is an increase of

Aussie adults not eating enough fruit

The CSIRO has recently released a new Fruit, Vegetables and Diet Score Report, and the results are not good. With nearly 146000 participants over 18 months, it is now the largest survey on diet done in Australia. The Fruit, Vegetable and Diet Score Report was done by CSIRO and commissioned by Horticulture Innovation Australia looked

Red tape and food safety

We all know that the term “red tape” means layers of bureaucracy that get in the way of businesses getting things done in an efficient time. I read somewhere that the actual term “red tape” came about because there was red tape holding documents together in government departments after World War Two. These documents were

Is it indigestion or something worse?

This is not a food safety issue but is still very interesting and certainly health related. It is sometimes really hard to know if a person is having a heart attack or simply indigestion. It could even be a panic attack with shortness of breath and a tight chest. One of them is potentially life