December Product Recall

The following is a media release from Food Standards Australia new Zealand about the latest product recall. It is included here with permission. Please find below information on a recent Australian consumer level food recall. This information is also available on our website at Flush Fitness has recalled Lenny & Larry’s Complete Cookie Chocolate

The following are the current proposals before Food Stanadrads Australia New Zealand. FSANZ is calling for submissions on the following applications: • A1134 – Increased Concentration of Plant Sterols in Breakfast Cereals: to amend current novel food permissions for phytosterols added to breakfast cereals to allow increased concentrations for portion-controlled breakfast cereals, in either individually

Raw and Risky at Christmas

The following is the Christmas media release from the Food Safety Information Council. The Australian Food Safety Information Council, in partnership with Tonic Health Media, today launched their food safety tips for Christmas and the holiday period including a warning to consumers to be careful with raw and risky foods.   Rachelle Williams, Council Chair,

New Organics Research Centre opens

Australia has a Food Safety Centre and Primary Produce Centre linked to Universities. We now have an Organics Research Centre. It is a collaboration between Southern Cross University and the New South Wales Department of Primary industries (DPI). The Centre will be located in the Northern Rivers in New South Wales and will have a