The NSW Name and Shame List

The New South Wales Food Authority maintains a list on it’s website showing all the food businesses in that state which have breaches to the Food Standards Code or the NSW Food Act. Every week the list is updated and people can check out the site to see if the food business they want to

So are you one of the 1.5 million Aussies who has had a quiet liqueur in the last four weeks? The latest study from Roy Morgan Research has found that over 6 percent of us, over the age of 18, are  regular liqueur drinkers. More than one third of these people have been drinking one

I remember my Mother often cutting up pineapple and giving it to us kids before a meal. She believes that it stimulates appetite and helps digestion. We just ate it because it was yummy. So I was really interested to see that research being done at La Trobe University is showing that pineapple may help

Soy milk is a big thing in the ACT.

A recent survey by Roy Morgan Research has shown that nearly a third of Australians drinking soy regularly lso drink dairy milk. So it seems that soy is being drunk not just for health reasons but because it is simply another typ of beverage. The research found that nearly 1.1 million (5.7 percent) Aussies over