Ok, so we have all heard about the “antifreeze” in ice cream and all the terrible preservatives we eat everyday. What about all those really bad chemicals they spray all over the food before it gets to us???? Only certain chemicals are allowed to be used in connection with foods and this varies to some

Free range court ruling creating waves

Although there has now been a decision made on the definition of free range eggs, a ruling made by the Australian Federal Court after the decision, is making waves in the food industry. The ruling imposed $300,000 penalty on an egg producer because labelling and promotion which occurred between 1 January 2012 to 2 December

Does the nose know?

Ok, so can you tell just by smelling a food whether it is going to make you sick from food poisoning? The answer is a very simple – no. This is because most bacteria do not create a smell, so this is one test which will not stop us getting food poisoning. However, there is

Each year the experts in nutrition predict what will be the big thing for that year, so what are they saying for 2016? Seaweed If you like / love sushi, you would already be eating seaweed. Well, it seems that it will be leaving the sushi train and heading to a supermarket near you. As