I remember about 10 years ago going to a natural health seminar and the speaker pushing very hard to reinforce how we should not be eating low fat dairy foods and that butter and other higher fat dairy are really good for you. I also remember the number of people walking out of the seminar

So what about Salmonella?

The following is a terrific article from the CSIRO Blog and is included here with permission. Salmonella: what is it, and how can you protect against it? By Kari Gobius, Narelle Fagan, Cathy Moir, Pamela Tyers 17th February 2016 The recent Salmonella contamination of fresh produce has led to possibly more than 100 people becoming

Call for GM corn submissions

Call for submissions on GM   application The following is a media release from Food Standards Australia New Zealand and is included here with permission.   Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) today called for submissions on an application to permit food from a genetically modified corn line.   FSANZ Acting Chief Executive Officer Peter May

So it is that time of the year again, when restaurants across the country look up the Financial Review website to see if they made it into the all important Top 500 Restaurants in Australia. It is the beginning of the process to determine the Top Restaurant in the land. The Top 500 are all