The following is based on information from The Bug Bible – Campylobacter was not recognised as a cause of foodborne disease until the 1970s. It is naturally present in the intestines of a number of different domestic animals and birds. It can be frequently isolated from the surface of poultry and also on the surface of

The longest penalty for a food poisoning has recently been handed down in the USA. The former owner of a food business is now serving 28 years in prison for a food poisoning which caused the deaths of nine and illness of hundreds. He is joined by his brother, who is serving 20 years and

So who loves a beer then? Well according to the latest research from Roy Morgan Research, that is really only the case in the warmer months in Australia. It seems that we prefer red wines and ports / sherries etc in the colder months. The results show that this is not a new thing but

Food awards and competitions everywhere

So not only do we have the various annual food competitions happening at Fine Food Australia (pies, sausage rolls, baking, pizza and the Golden Chef’s Award) but there are other food awards and competitions all over the place right now. So what else is going on; Savour Australia Restaurant and Catering      HOSTPLUS Awards for