So once again the bakers, chefs and pizza makers around the country are turning their eyes to a single huge food event. Fine Food Australia 2015 is about to start, in Sydney and will be the largest food event in the southern hemisphere. This year marks 50 years of the Nestle Golden Chef’s Award and

So are supermarkets brands good or not?

So the supermarket brands are cheaper because they are not as good in quality as the known brands – right? Well, a study done from 2011 to 2013 found that the salt content of the supermarket brands was lower across all the supermarket chains, in fact in 2013, it was 17percent lower than the known

Recall update

The following is an update to a current recall and is included here with permission from Food Standards Australia New Zealand. UPDATE TO RECALL Dear Stakeholders Please find below information on a recent Australian consumer level food recall. This information is also available on our website at Date notified to FSANZ 28/08/2015 2015 updated

In this year’s Food and Health Survey in the USA, 36 percent of respondents are concerned with chemicals in their food. This is an increase of 13 percent in just one year, and beats food borne illness by two percent. The Survey is run by International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation. Interestingly, the concept of