Latest recall September

  The following is a Product Recall Notice. It is included here with permission for Food Standards Australia New Zealand. Date notified to FSANZ – 28/08/2015 Food type – Coconut milk drink Product name FAL Healthy Beverages Pty Ltd, Coco Joy Pure Coconut Milk Banana Flavour Chocolate Flavour Coffee Flavour Package description & size –

The following is from a media release by the New South Wales Food Authority. “Food Safety Supervisor (FSS) certificates expire five years from the date of issue, with the first round due to expire from 1 September 2015. Should your FSS certificate be close to expiring and you wish to continue to be the FSS

So when a woman is told by her Doctor that she is pregnant there is usually a discussion about eating the right foods, nutrition and not eating other foods ( shellfish or soft cheeses). According to a recent study published online in the journal Public Health Nutrition in July 2015, two thirds of pregnant women

Australians only get a C for our diet.

The recent Healthy Diet Score Survey has a top rating of 100 points if the diet meets all nutritional requirements and is well balanced with a good water intake. Unfortunately Australia only scored 61 points, with some specific areas across the country scoring even lower results. The survey is conducted by CSIRO and is scientifically