Safe Food Australia under review

To help food business and council Environmental Health Officers with understanding what compliance to the Food Standards Code means, Food Standards Australia New Zealand developed a brilliant guide to “Safe Food Australia”. It has been in use for several years. The following is a media release from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) about the

Health snack foods surge in popularity

According to IBISWorld forecasting, this financial year Australians will consume over $3 billion in snack foods. That is a huge figure, but the good news is that it is health snack foods that have really increased in consumption. Ryan Lin, senior industry analyst at IBISWorld, said; “Snack food options have expanded beyond traditional snacks –

The following is a media release from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) about the call for submissions into the proposal to change the mandatory allergen labelling requirements. It is included here with permission from FSANZ.   Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) today called for submissions on a Proposal to remove mandatory allergen labelling

New Zealand sets the stage on Antibiotics

Antibiotics are the silver bullet for killing bacteria, right? Well that may have been the case, as little as a few years ago, but is not so true now. Why has our most important medical advancement become less, and much so, powerful than it has been before. Most people think of antibiotics as something we