In a recent article on this site, I wrote about Cheese, cheese and more cheese. The consumption of cheese is increasing worldwide, primarily as a result of increasing wealth in many countries and a desire by those with the money to eat more western diets, including cheese in increasing amounts. This sudden increase in consumption

Cheese, cheese and more

Most people eat cheese as part of their everyday diet, and there are some who truly love it. There are hundreds of different types of cheese. Although it has been traditionally a food more associated with western diets, it is rapidly making it’s way into the fridges and homes of people across the whole world.

E.coli – a summary

The following is from The Bug Bible – Many strains of E. coli are harmless and are found naturally in the gut of humans and animals. Traditionally its presence in foods has been an indication of faecal contamination however, a number of serotypes are now known to be pathogens. Humans are known to be

2015 Gluten Free List released

Coeliac Australia has introduced a new logo for it’s gluten free endorsed foods. The new logo was introduced in May 2015 and includes the words “Gluten Free”. This is only allowed after the change to the Food Standard Code in the new edition. The crossed grains, which are internationally recognised as showing gluten free, are