Has peanut allergy finally been cured?

Many people think that peanut is the number food allergy in Australia, in reality it is actually gluten. However, peanut allergy is certainly one of the most significant food allergens, as it is usually extremely serious and few people will grow out of it, like many do with dairy and egg allergies. The vast majority

A recent food poising event in Queensland was found to have been caused by the consumption of poorly handled and stored sushi. The media would have us all believe that sushi is just the worst food around in terms of food poisoning but the figures show that in Australia, eggs remain as the number one

Companies making canned goods, sauces and other foods are continuing to work very hard to reduce the salt content of their products across the world. The reason is that it has long been recognised that reducing the salt we consume daily reduces the likelihood of heart related diseases and problems. Salt is used in foods

Management of waste is not only a food safety issue but a significant business problem as well. If there is a way to reduce food waste, this is a major cost saving for any business.Obviously there are methods to reduce the amount of waste that all food businesses should have in place, like buying in