Nano food packaging – good or bad?

The best example of nano technology being used in food packaging is the introduction of minute silver particles into the packaging. Silver is known to have antibacterial properties, so this makes the packaging containing it, antibacterial as well. This is a wonderful introduction to assist in the prevention of food poisoning. Nano means extremely small.

Raw milk and why it is a problem

The big thing in food safety right now is raw milk. With the potential death of a young child and possible illness of several others due to drinking raw milk, all health authorities in Australia are discussing what can, and should, be done to prevent a recurrence. Raw milk is not permitted to be sold

Another free range court case

Another case has gone to the Federal Court for the alleged “false and misleading “ use of the term “free range’. Two egg producers are now being pursued by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), under the national label Ecoeggs, and the NSW labels of Port Stephens and Field Fresh Free Range Eggs. The

Oats and Coeliac Disease

Oats do not actually contain gluten but do include other proteins called avenins, which cause a similar reaction for some Coeliacs. Because of this, oats are included with wheat, barley and rye as the grains which those with Coeliac Disease must avoid. Those with Coeliac Disease have an unusual immune reaction when they eat gluten.