So is gluten free just a fad?

We all know people who are now either only eating gluten free food or are choosing to eat it primarily. Is it a fad or is it a real need or is it in fact a combination? Does eating less gluten really make people feel better or not? Gluten is a protein found in wheat,

$25 million likely payout on Soy milk

In what is now the biggest food safety related settlement in Australian history, the owner, manufacturer and distributor of a soy milk product with excessive iodine will be paying out $25million. The final decision on the case will be made by the Victorian Supreme Court in January 2015. Hundreds of customers of Bonsoy will be

Chocolate will now be safe and sustainable

Sustainability is all about doing the right thing and looking to the future. Although that is not the formal definition, the principle has been taken up by the World Cocoa Foundation (WCF). Cocoa is the base material for one of the most popular foods in the world – chocolate. The material comes from the cacao

What was for a short time, the biggest food poisoning event in Australia happened in Canberra on the 2013 Mother’s Day. A raw egg mayonnaise was made that ended up causing 100 people to have food poisoning. 15 people were hospitalised. The mayonnaise was used in the potato salad on offer that day and many