The draft of a new guide for controlling and preventing cross contamination of, and by, E.coli has just been released in the UK by the Food Standards Agency (FSA). It is intended to specifically help those businesses that have both raw and ready to eat (RTE) foods in the same space. It has been well

Halal is a requirement for food to be eaten by those of the Islamic faith. It means that the food has been prepared, processed, handled and packaged according to strict requirements. One of these requirements is that there be no pig meat in any halal certified product. Until now ensuring this requirement has been met

A food allergen has the potential to kill someone within only a few minutes if treatment is not given to them immediately. This is the reason that food businesses all over the world must do everything to prevent unintended allergens being in any of their products. If an intended allergen is present in a food,

The Health Star Rating shows a series of up to five stars that show how healthy a food is based on a set of test results. It was designed to be shown on packaged foods in Australia. The intent is to give customers and consumers information about the nutritional value of a packaged food. In