In the last week there have been two very significant product contaminations. One was a cleaning cloth in a fast food restaurant product and the other was a contamination in another chain’s product. A cleaning cloth was somehow coated and then deep fried before being given to a customer in the UK. The customer who had

Gas leakage in a refrigeration unit can have a significant impact on a food business in terms of costs, food safety and sustainability. Loss of gas will mean that the gas needs to be replaced, which is an extra expense to a business, it may also reduce the efficiency and effectiveness of the refrigeration. This

We have all heard in court cases on TV the words” You swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth”. Whether that is exactly what is really asked in actual courts or is just a great sounding statement for TV is beside the point. The basis of the statement is

More food myths busted!!!!

I loved apples when I was a kid and would eat two or three a day, then one day I heard on the news that apples were not good for you because of some spray that was used on them. I stopped eating apples. A few years later I heard found out that it was