Is Coeliac Disease a thing of the past?

Coeliac Disease can be debilitating to those that have it and is a significant food safety issue for all food businesses. The problem is the protein called gluten, which causes severe auto immune reactions in some people. These reactions can range from discomfort to bloating to flatulence to loss of parts of the bowel to

So what does organic actually mean. People will, and do, pay extra for a food that is branded as being organic. Therefore having a clear, concise and agreed definition of what organic actually means is vitally important to both the food industry and it’s customers. So the recent proposed Regulation on organic products and labelling

Australians generally want to know where their food has come from and this is a key part of their purchase decision. Many people will not buy a specific product because it came from a country other than Australia. Therefore Country of Origin Labelling (CoOL) is an important part of the information shown on any food

New Product Safety Online Guide

With more and more Australians buying on line rather than in store, the new Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) guide will help retailers get the legal side right. The publication is called “A guide for business: Consumer product safety online’. Dr Michael Schaper, ACCC Deputy Chair, said; “Australian consumers are increasingly looking to online