Exotic vegetables are the future

Ok, so many of us would actually be asking what a Gay Choy actually was, let alone planning to buy some and then include them in our everyday cooking. However, this is just one of the Australian grown but exotic vegetables that are now increasingly making their way onto the plates of those cooking at

Fast Food Chain Report Card

The recent released “emma” (Enhanced Media Metrics Australia) Out of Home Dining Report shows that on average half of the Australian population goes to a fast food (quick serve) chain as many as four times a month (or in other words averaging once a week). This totals at least 51 million visits to the fast

In December 2013, 56 percent of Australians were likely to visit a café for a tea or coffee compared to 54 percent three years earlier. This is just one of the findings from a recent survey conducted by Roy Morgan Research. Interestingly in December 2013, 44 percent of people had a coffee machine at home

How to get us to eat more vegetables?

The National Health and Medical Research Council nutrition guidelines recommend that adult Australians should be eating five to six serves of vegetables each day to ensure a healthy life. A recent survey of 675 people by AusVeg (the representative body for potato and vegetable growers in Australia) shows that the actual number of serves of