Honey and Botulism

It is well recognised that honey is the only food that will not spoil. It does candy, but when heated will return to it’s thick liquid state. It is also often considered to be antibacterial by many. However. two baby boys in Britain are currently fighting cases of Botulism potentially caused by eating honey. The

Avian Influenza increase of major concern.

Chinese New Year is at the end of January this year. It will be ushered in around the world in the usual fashion. This includes wearing red and huge traditional celebration feasts. Chicken will as always be a big part of these meals. Many of these meals will not happen in big restaurants, but in

Ultra violet (UV) light is starting to become common in the food industry. It has long been known that a wound exposed to sunlight will heal more quickly with less chance of infection that any that are kept covered. This is because UV light has a germicidal effect on many micro-organisms, including the food poisoning

One of Australia’s largest pizza chains has just released a brand new pizza product. It is the “most indulgent” product it has ever had. The Wagyu Duet is actually two pizzas loaded with Wagyu containing beef products, truffles and camembert cheese, amongst other yummy items. It is selling for $50, making it the single most