The Australian Constitution states who is responsible for what in terms of services to the country. Our country’s actual name is the Commonwealth of Australia and is a set of six states and two territories that agreed to work together to provide the services that are needed to run the country and protect it’s people.

So did we toss more shrimps on the barbie in 2013 than any other type of seafood? Were prawns our number one seafood? Interestingly of the top ten twenty seafoods for 2013 according to a recent Australian Fisheries Statistics report, 15 were wild caught and four were farmed. The remaining one was crabs which are

What cut is that?

I don’t know that too many people would be able to correctly and accurately name all the cuts on a cow, or pig or chicken. Most know the basics like; wings, drumsticks, chuck, or rib, but would not be able to say where the sirloin is found, even though it is one of the best

This time of the year has the greatest likelihood and occurrence of food poisoning in a year in Australia. There are really two reasons why. It is the hottest time of the year and the best conditions for bacterial growth and then we are having a lot more parties with food handling for groups of