Cider here, cider there, cider everywhere

Cider is a big thing in my house around Christmas as is egg nog. This is not only the case here but in other homes. It seems though, that in Australia we have been getting into the cider swing much earlier than Christmas this year. A Market Insight report from the marketing research organisation, Canadean,

Do consumer really want food labelling?

In a survey recently done by the Food Safety Information Council (FSIC) for Australian Food Safety Week, there was a very low percentage of those surveyed who actually read the cooking / reheating instructions and storage instructions on the processed products they bought. It was a figure of less than 20 percent, which is very

FODMAPs are Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols. They are found in wheat, rye, apple, honey, legumes, onion, garlic and milk. It includes fructose and lactose intolerance. Around 35 percent of Australians are estimated to have an intolerance to one or more of these FODMAPs. These sugars and related molecules have been associated with a

Food Product Sustainability Rating in USA

In supermarkets in the USA, customers can now use a type of rating to determine just how sustainable the food is that there are purchasing. This is important as it is now well recognised that people want to do the right thing by the environment and therefore would prefer to purchase food and other items