BMI may be controlled by regular meals

Although there are some issues with the measure of Body Mass Index (BMI), it is the commonly accepted method for determining if someone is overweight or obese. It is a measurement of a person’s weight in kilograms divided by their height in metres. If the result is less than 18.5, the person can be considered

Printed food????

So how do you feel about eating food that has been made just for you by a printer? NASA has recently funded a study in Texas in the USA to investigate the potential of specially developed printers that will make food to recipes specifically set up for individuals. There are already 3D printers being used

We all know that to be healthy we should eat the right amount of fruit and vegetables and that we should enjoy a variety of foods, and that a little bit of everything is good and a lot of any single food is bad. We have all heard these sayings and recommendations and, without realising

Do you want beetles with that?

When I was at University, I had to try different foods in one class. I still remember eating chocolate coated ants. They were actually very tasty, sort of chocolate with a bit of an acid bite. Eating of insects is not done in most western countries, it is, in fact, almost a sort of taboo