The whole “free range” or not thing has been raised again, this time in NSW by the consumer group CHOICE. Producing eggs in a free range manner is more expensive than using the traditional cage approach. This is due to higher losses and less controls being in place, so less systemisation. So in the supermarket,

I remember when I was a kid growing up in the north of Tasmania, dinner usually involved a meat of some type and three vegetables. The vegetables were always potato, carrots and something else. Sometimes we would have peas, beans, corn, cabbage, cauliflower or even brussel sprouts (they were definitely not a favourite on my

It is no longer the big cheese!!!!

Roy Morgan research shows that people are buying less cheese and that this downward trend is continuing from previous years. According to the findings, 89 percent of those grocery buyers surveyed had bought cheese during the 12 months to March 2013, compared to 92 percent for the 12 months to 2009. It is the young

Although, according to recent figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) beer has the lowest consumption in 66 years, it still makes up around 41 percent of the pure alcohol market. Wine now makes up nearly 38 percent, so we are becoming a nation that is starting to prefer wine to beer. This