Current Botulinum Recall

The following is a statement released by Food Stanadrds Australia New Zealand about the current  international recall on infant formula products and is included here with permission. Statement on contaminated dairy products imported from New Zealand Food Standards Australia New Zealand is aware of the announcement by Fonterra regarding several batches of its whey protein

One of the requirements shown in the Australian and New Zealand Food Standards Code is the maximum amount of permitted chemicals in our food. This is called the Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs). This section of the Code is under review and therefore the following has just been released by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ).It

Is plain packaging on food coming?

Obesity is now recognised as a major heal issue both individually and to our whole country. The simple answer is to reduce the amount going in or to use more of what is going in. This means that people should be careful with what and how much they eat, as well as do enough exercise

The following is a media release from Food Standards Australia New Zealand and is included here with permission. If this is an area that is of interest to you or others you know, put in a submission and have a say about the issue. Call for submissions on dietary fibre claims criteria Date: 19/07/2013 Food