You would think that it was just obvious that if a business makes a claim or says something about the product or business on the packaging then it must be true. This “true” means that it is really happening and is how all others would actually see it. It does not mean that it is

Food safety and new websites

For people wanting the start a food business, it can be daunting as to what to do, when to do it, what controls are needed and how to do everything all on a very tight budget. Although a business coach is probably one of the first things a new business owner should get to help

It is not just Salmonella or E.coli that can cause food poisoning and it is not always poultry or seafood that is the food involved. These are common food poisoning bacteria and foods but they are not the baddies that much really. Recently 140 people in the USA contracted Heptatitis A from eating pomegranate seeds

A recent study by the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) has confirmed that not only does the brain talk to the gut but the signals go both ways. This was done by studying women eating probiotic yoghurt and those that weren’t. A total group size of 36, between the ages of 18 and 55.Those