Queensland enters the obesity campaign.

Late last year the Western Australian government launched a confronting advertising program and website aimed at reducing the obesity rate in that state. The LiveLighter campaign shows images of fat inside the body. At the time of launch it was considered by many to be confronting rather than encouraging. The website is www.livelighter.com.au Recently the

We all know that taste is sweet, salty, bitter and sour. It is also umami. However taste is not just about these five “flavours” but about the feel in the mouth. Taste is also very closely impacted by smell. Combined with this are our memory. We see potato crisps and expect them to be salty

Salt reduction is a good thing, right?

Excessive salt in a diet is well recognized as a contributor to heart issues and disease. It is not the salt itself, but the sodium in it that is the problem. There have been calls for there to be a maximum allowable level of sodium in foods. The Heart Foundation is one of the groups

New Australian Dietary Guidelines

The last set of Australian Dietary Guidelines was released in 2003 and since then, there has been a stronger focus on foods being healthy rather than the idea of specific nutrients at that time. The supply chain has changed and so have consumer expectations. Therefore the newly released Australian Dietary Guidelines (2013) are different to