The top cheeses for 2012

The 2012 World Cheese Awards have just been held at the BBC Good Food Show in Birmingham in the UK. There were more than 2700 entries from across the world. It is the largest international cheese competition. The judging was done in three stages by over 200 judges, over one very full day, to determine

Love your food and eat it too.

A recent study by Murdoch University’s Audience Labs and the University of Wollongong has found that a bonding of some form with a product results in increased sales compared to no feeling at all. The study found that there is an increase of 38 percent in the purchase of beer if men feel a “love”

Pest management

Consumers have an unspoken expectation that the food they are eating will be safe and not make them sick. One of the important controls that food businesses must have in place to ensure their food is safe, is good hygiene. Part of this is the requirement to have suitable pest management. Pests in a food

I was recently asked by a journalist why the food industry just doesn’t do simple food. Well, the answer is very simple – it is because the public want more than just that. It wants; flavour, texture, convenience, long life, portion control, something new, something special, dietary and medical needs met and their favourite product