The UK’s national academy of science has recently chosen refrigeration as the most significant food related invention in history. The Royal Society says that “Refrigeration has played the biggest role of any innovation in improving the diets of millions of people. It is responsible for bringing a more varied, interesting, nutritious and more affordable diet

Food Ontology

A Food Dictionary is being developed by The Radboud University Nijmegen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and food research company Wageningen UR as part of a special project in Europe. This may not seem like any big thing, as there would be millions of food related dictionaries around the world. So what makes this new Dictionary such

Will a gluten free vaccine solve the problem?

So would a vaccine simply solve the whole gluten free thing that we are confronted with every time we go shopping or in our food businesses? Is the massive increase of gluten free foods actually about helping people with celiac disease or is it really about sales? These are two questions now begging answers with


The following is a Product recall notice and is included with permission from Food Standards Australia New Zealand. Lenard’s minced chicken products – presence of foreign matter (wood and metal) Lenard’s Pty Ltd has recalled the following a range of minced chicken products available for sale in Lenard’s retail outlets in WA only, due to