The 2012 World Food Prize

The World Food Prize was created in 1986 by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Norman Borlaug and General Foods. It has international standing and recognises a person who has advanced human development by improving the quality, quantity or availability of food in the world. It is funded by a philanthropist from Iowa in the USA, and

When is a fillet not a fillet?

A recent customer complaint about a chicken fillet has been upheld by the Advertising Standards Board (ASB). The case was upheld because the ASB found that the public perception of a fillet is that it is a whole piece of meat with no bone and not made from processed meat. It was found that the

Food regulation review

Most in the food industry do not understand how food laws are developed, maintained and monitored in this country, as they are mainly concerned with simply running their business. It is worth having some idea as we all have the opportunity to contribute to the laws in our country through the reviews that happen with

The 8700

Obesity is considered by many in the health industry as the biggest health problem in our society. The issue is that when people are heavily overweight it has an impact on many of the body’s systems. There are many diseases and conditions that are made significantly worse, or even brought on, by a person weighing