Current Product Recalls

Please find below information on a recent Australian consumer level food recall. This information is also available on our website at and is included here with permission from Food Standards Australia New Zealand Gourmet Selections Greek Salad (Microbial – E.coli) Jmark Pty Ltd (trading as Gourmet Selections) has recalled Gourmet Selections Greek Salad from

Two new “apps” will make life a little easier for those of us watching our food and what we eat. The first has just been awarded the prestigious Dieticians Association of Australia (DAA) President’s Award for Innovation. It will make it simpler for those that are wanting to record what they eat and when. This

The Australian Packaging Convenant has as an underlying principle, the belief that a business has responsibility for it’s packaging from design to dumping and beyond. This means that to be truly sustainable, a business should not only be thinking about how to make and use a packaging that protects the food, but have minimal environmental

The Outstanding Retailer of the Year Award for 2012 went to Dan Murphy’s in an unanimous choice. One of this year’s judges ,Stephen Kulmar, said “It (Dan Murphy’s) is best in class worldwide for what it does. It takes advantage of a growth category and delivers the most dominant and well-considered product offering on the