Live export delegation to Middle East

During 2011, as the result of footage seen on national television, the Australian Government banned live cattle exports to Indonesia for about two months. The footage showed cattle being very badly treated and, in fact, abused. It also showed inhumane conditions in abattoirs in that country. There was an immediate and widespread public outcry. Talkback

Labelling claims must be true and permitted

Chapter One of the Food Standards Code contains the labelling requirements for food in Australia and New Zealand. It allows for specific claims and businesses are not permitted to make claims unless stated in the Code. There has recently been a review of the labelling requirements and as part of this there will be changes

December 2011 Food Recalls

Following are recalls for December – The information is supplied with permission from Food Standards Australia New Zealand. Coles baking mix varieties (undeclared allergen – sesame) Coles Supermarkets Ltd is recalling Coles branded baking mix varieties from Coles Supermarkets, including Bi Lo and Pick N Pay nationally due to an undeclared allergen (sesame). Customers can

Chocolate Master Competition

This May will see Australia’s best chocolatiers and pastry chefs busy at work creating amazing things at the Food Service Expo in Sydney. They will be competing for an envied and cherished spot in the World Chocolate Masters competition, which will be held at the 2012 Expo. The competition is the Australian Qualifier for this