With Global Handwashing Day rapidly approaching, it is scary that in the last 12 months there have been 170 handwashing related offences listed on the New South Wales Food Authority’s Name and Shame List, with two of those added in just the last two weeks. The offences primarily related to the failure to maintain adequate

With the changes to the Victorian Food Act coming into effect as of 01 July 2011, there is now a need for vending machines registered by the primary council. This requirement is coming in as of 01 October, and will create significant issues according to the President of the Independent Vending Machine Operators Association (IVMOA),

The term “GM” conjures up scary images for many in our society. The image of mad scientists sitting around and fiddling with plants and animals to create new things is often not far from the perception that many have about this science. The CSIRO’s Chief Executive, Megan Clark, said “We recognise that the modification of

When a part of the Food Standards Code is changed there is always a period of time allowed for the changes to be made by businesses. The best example is that of labelling changes. Often up to a year is allowed for the change to be on all labelling, to allow time for stocks of