Restaurant of the Year for 2012

The Restaurant of the Year was named recently in the Australian Gourmet Traveller magazine Australian Restaurant Guide Awards. For 2012 it is Sydney’s Marque Restaurant. It is true that one person’s best of something may not be another’s, but it does give an important guide for many of us to think and talk about. There

Another Product Recall – baby food

Dear Stakeholders Please find below information on a recent Australian consumer level food recall and is included here with permission from Food Standards Australia New Zealand. This information is also available on our website at Date Notified To FSANZ: 19 August 2011 Food Type: Baby food Product Name: Rafferty’s Garden Italian Lasagne Premium Baby

If a private member’s bill by both Senator Nick Xenophon and Bob Katter passes through the new session of the Australian Federal Parliament, supermarkets will be required to show what percentage of the price of their fresh produce actually goes to the farmers who grow the food. The bill is called the Farm Gate Pricing

Significant GM case

Genetic modification is the process of manipulating the genes of a species to achieve desired characteristics. It can be the adding of a gene from carrots to white rice to significantly increase the Vitamin A content of that rice and thus improving the nutrient intake of a large portion of the consumers of rice. It