With the world focused on the disease COVID-19 , caused by the novel Coronavirus SAR COV-2,  there is a real interest in micro-organisms now.  To hear reporters saying words like variants and other words usually only heard coming from the mouths of scientists is definitely a new world. So it seems like a good time

The peak organisation for food technology in Australia, the Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology, released a report in October 2020 about the future of the Australian Food Manufacturing Sector. The food industry in it’s many parts employees more Australians than any other industry type. Manufacturing makes up an large part of the industry

A new model  for determining the impact of cross-contamination routes in the home  kitchens has been developed  by Researchers in a European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) program and then possible intervention methods were studied to work out their effectiveness. It was found that the cutting board had the highest impact on cross-contamination compared to the

New Pro-Visual Guide out

Pro-Visual Publishing, Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) and the National Safety Council of Australia (NSCA) Foundation have just released the Food Manufacturing Industry Guide to Workplace Safety 2021. The guide is an interactive augmented reality (AR) safety guide which will be distributed free of charge nationally. It is wall mounted and provides useful year