Updated recall notice

The following is an updated recall notice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand and is included here with permission. THIS RECALL HAS BEEN UPDATED WITH NEW INFORMATION (IN RED) AS OF TUESDAY 21 JULY 2020. THE FSANZ WEBPAGE FOR THIS RECALL HAS ALSO BEEN UPDATED. 21 July 2020 Dear Subscriber A new Australian consumer level

The following is from the Food Safety Information Council Ltd website and is included here with permission. For more information go to – https://foodsafety.asn.au/unpasteurised-milk-and-cheese/?fbclid=IwAR1OZRgSIkCCIU_ftENIozDg71prAq8RSIFK1BlN4RvOtDN0JVp2SIWRh_g Nearly all dairy products in Australia, such as milk, cheese and yoghurt, are pasteurised. This means they have been heat treated for a short period to kill any bacteria. Pasteurisation has

The following is a media release from the Food Safety Information Council Ltd and is included here with permission. National warning on backyard chooks after salmonella outbreaks The Food Safety Information Council today issued a national warning to people with backyard chickens to always wash their hands after handling the chickens or their eggs following

An unusual recall

The following is a recall notice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand and is included here with permission. It is unusual due to the recall reason being  an incorrect lid  on a product rather than incorrect labelling or something wrong with the product itself. Halo Top Chocolate Ice Cream   ​Date published: 3 July 2020