The following is a recall notice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand and is included here with permission. Most recalls are related to allergens, a microbial issue or a physical contamination. This recall is about chemical contamination and incorrect labelling and highlights just how important it is to ensure that the product in the container

The following is a media release from the Food Safety Information Council about World Food Safety Day 2020 and is included here with permission. The Food Safety Information Council today released a report card on Australia’s food safety record in recognition of the Second UN World Food Safety Day to be held on 7 June

Audits of some type are a key part of most food related businesses.  They have traditionally required that the auditor comes onsite and looks through paperwork, talks with staff  / clients and has a look around. In our new COVID-19 world, there are changes happening and now many audits are being done as what are

Even though the number of cases of COVID-19 in Australia and New Zealand and many other countries have stabilised or slowed to a very low  number of cases,  the world and how we must see it has changed forever. As an example,the handshake, for hundreds of years the recognised international way to greet people, particularly