The following is the latest media release from the Food Safety Information Council and is included here with permission. Wild mushrooms are springing up around Australia with the cooler weather and after recent heavy rains, so today the Food Safety Information Council warned people to be extremely careful around wild mushrooms because of the deadly

With a population of around 26 million in Australia, foodborne illness is a significant health issue with around 4.1 million cases each year. The other important statistics related to food borne illness are the 32000 people being hospitalised and the 120 deaths. These figures are frightening but are low when compared to many countries around

Food poisoning can be caused by a variety of micro-organisms from many sources. The following are some tips from the Food Safety Information Council to make sure that you prevent food poisoning whilst being environmentally aware.  The following is included here with permission  from the Food Safety Information Council and more helpful information in preventing

The world is paying a lot of attention to viruses right now, with over 87000 people across the globe showing symptoms of COVID-19. Is this a pandemic and is it something to be worried about? A pandemic is called when a disease goes worldwide, so with nearly 3000 cases now in countries other than China,