Micro-organism / Illness Food Number of people affected Number of states involved Salmonella newport Ground frozen tuna 13 7 Hepatitis A Fresh Blackberries 18 (incl 10 to hospital) 6 E.coli 026 Flour 21 (incl 3 to hospital) 3 E.coli 0121 & 0103 Ground Bison 38 (incl 18 to hospital) 8 Scombrotoxin Yellowfin / Ahi Tuna

Bushfires and food safety

With our focus on bushfires and the impacts, it is easy to forget about things like food safety, but it is also important. So here is some advice from the Food Safety Information Council. It is included with permission. Food safety advice for bush fires and power outages The Food Safety Information Council today issued

The following brilliant advice for emergencies and food is from a great brochure from  the Australian Food and Grocery Council and it can be found at https://foodsafety.asn.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/pantrylist-2015.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3XADOO_EU5fu0IYx0dOxvTOp_a6AQbP2NhKf7tIwJCHrLvnsI31Tfwd-Y. It includes a very useful pantry list to use in the event of an emergency and is included here with permission. Getting ready for an emergency Emergencies can

The following is from the Food Safety Information Council Ltd website – www.foodsafety.asn.au, and is included here with permission. Entertaining is fun especially during Christmas and the holiday season when you catch up with family and friends or at other times of the year during celebratory events. But preparing food for a lot of people