Do you have Neophobia?

Here is something you probably did not know – we all have at least some degree of a eating disturbance called Neophobia. This is the fear of trying new foods and a high level is common in children up to six years old and also the elderly.In fact we are all born with it. In

Did you know??????

The following are just some important food related dates in Australian history, you may not have known; 1944 – frozen vegetables processed in Australia for the first time 1947 – the Golden Circle cannery opened in Brisbane 1949 – the Australian classic ice cream, the Choc Wedge, was made for the first time 1958 –

At regular times throughout each year the Health Ministers of all the Australian jurisdictions and New Zealand, as well as the Australian Local Government Association, meet to review  recommendations from Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) and other food related matters.This is called The Australia and New Zealand Ministerial Forum on Food Regulation (the Forum)

International Bacon Day is rapidly approaching on 31 August, now is a great time to celebrate one of the world’s favourite meats. So of course it is time to seek where the best bacon can be sourced in Australia 2019’s best bacon is from Western Australia and is a full rasher made by Princi Smallgoods.