The following is a media release from the Food Safety Information Council Ltd to recognise the first World Food Safety Day. It is included here with permission. The Food Safety Information Council has released a report card on Australia’s food safety record in recognition of the inaugural UN World Food Safety Day 7 June 2019.

With a review of the Food Safety Standards under way in Australia, it seemed a good time to do a reminder about what is the international standard for food safety  – HACCP. For thos who don’t know HACCP is Hazard analysis Critical Control Points and it was originally developed  for use in those companies which

The following is the announcement  in 2018 on the Codex Alimentarius website of the agreement that the 07 June each year will now be World food safety Day, as of 2019. It is included here with permission. Today the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming a World Food Safety Day. Starting in 2019,

New Recall

The following is a recall notice from Food Standards Australia New Zealand and is included here with permission. Roza’s Gourmet dip   ​Date published: 23 May 2019 Product information Roza’s Gourmet is conducting a recall of Miso & Edamame Dip, 160g. The recalled product has been available for sale in Independent stores (including IGA and