It is only right that those consuming food should know as much about that food as they can before deciding to eat it or not. This is especially important with prepackaged foods as when it is purchased there is no-one around who was involved in making it. The Food Standards Code and other legislation  in

So should PAL be mandatory?

So you have a friend coming to dinner who is allergic to fish. How do you know that the Worcestershire Sauce you bought to marinate the steak is free from fish? Well, that’s obvious right? You check out the label and see if fish is an ingredient. All good right? Well no, it is not

For much of the world’s population, rice is a key part of their diet. Australia is no exception and all of us would eat white rice regularly, whether as Fried Rice, Sushi, with a curry, with Asian foods or even Paella. White rice is however, not the best rice when it comes to nutrients and

Pet food under the spotlight

There is a lot of discussion, and has been since time immemorial, about the best food to feed your dog. Should it be a raw diet, should it be  raw meat mixed with organ mixed with vegetable and cereals / rice, is the cooked stuff from the supermarket OK, should it be just dry food,