News from FSANZ

There has been a lot going on in food safety this year  with food borne illnesses and food recalls, and our national food agency, Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has also been very busy. Even those who  work in the food industry can sometimes be unsure which agency is responsible for what when it

Two current recalls

The following is a media release from the New South Wales Food Authority about a current food recall and is included here with permission. The NSW Food Authority advises that ‘Eggz on the Run’ is undertaking a voluntary recall of Glendenning Farms eggs as part of an investigation into human illness. A cluster of human

According to new ABARES research, in 2016-17 we were spending about $3780 per person on average on domestic food  compared to $2950 in 1988–89 in real terms. ABARES executive director, Dr Steve Hatfield-Dodds said; “The good news story of this research is that while household food consumption expenditure continues to grow, so do our net

There is a lot of media attention right now over a test result which shows that something like 40 percent of the honey samples tested using a specific test method are not the pure honey their labels claim. This has raised publicly the whole issue of food fraud. This is an issue  which the food