Amyloid beta is recognised as a precursor to Alzheimer’s, and new research has found that a diet higher in protein reduces it’s level in the brain and therefore the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease. The diet of 541 Australians were studied by researchers from Edith Cowan University and the amount of amyloid beta in their

You are what you eat – we have all heard that said. Now, more than ever, it is not just a saying but a fact A few years ago, an amazing thing happened – the human genome was plotted. This means that for the first time in history we were able to identify all the

So what is a kilojoule? It is a measurement of energy and it is recommended that active adult Australians consume 8700kJ per day to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The problem is that the term kilojoule is a relatively recent introduction and therefore many people still think in terms of calories. A calorie is 4.2 kilojoules,

The following is a media release from the NSW Food Authority about the current Listeria outbreak and is included here with permission. The NSW Food Authority is advising consumers who are most vulnerable to Listeria infection such as older persons, and people who have weakened immune systems due to illness or pregnancy, to avoid eating